How to fund the decarbonisation of your ...

How to fund the decarbonisation of your building portfolio

CPD Events

First aired: 29 March 2022
Sponsor: Atkins & Faithful + Gould
With 80% of the building stock that will exist in 2050 already having been built, there is no question around whether it is right to reduce the carbon footprint of existing buildings. But there some key questions around how to deliver it, top of the list being, who pays for it?

In this session, run in partnership with Atkins and Faithful + Gould, our panel of experts will explore how to establish a business case to fund the decarbonisation of a large building portfolio. We will explore how built environment firms can support setting up the business case, from both cost management and engineering perspectives, what this means for asset holders and how to go about securing the financing once a business case is in place.


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