I watched this YT video last night and I found it amazing. If anybody knows of any other similar videos please let me know.
The craziest thing about the video is that as I was watching it I got chills down my spine. Not because of the potential catastrophic future that could mark the end of our collective careers 😯 , but because AI is getting really good (although not good enough to the point of making sense when it comes to functional plans).
Can AI do what an architect does? Well from watching this short video you can think that the AI designed a better looking building, but looking at a picture (looking perfect) externally will not make the internal space work any better. The architects were all discussing the area and it’s surroundings, orientation of the rooms for the best outcome and how the swimming pool will best enhance the overall look, does the AI have that capability?
I think you nailed it when you said ‘better looking building’. The technology for it is there to produce picture perfect finishes, but beauty is only skin deep. I understand that AI takes ideas from all the architectural information that is out there but how good is the internal layout?
Interesting - I don’t see any creativity in this. There is absolutely no way that AI will make anything original when it is using information that is already out there.
I don’t think architects have to worry - can't see AI thinking for themselves anytime soon. 🙄
What ive learned so far , this AI is a tool for producing pretty pictures , too bad for you if you have to rely on a machine to come up with designs .
Who'd bother with this … seems like they have been using it to generate designs
Ive been looking to see what AI can do in architecture but ive yet to see anything effective so I am interested to hear how others use this also.
So anyone else worried about AI see this first!
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Id say the AI output is a load of crap and Im not sure the architect will get what he wants from it just yet.
I don’t think architects have to worry - can't see AI thinking for themselves anytime soon. 🙄
In all fairness AI is not overtaking architects but being used to assist the work.
Architectural innovation: The technology helping architects to design for the future
This CPD actually talks about how the bigger practices are using various AI and digital tools to make the process of architecture better. There is much room for improvement though. These tools have to be integrated within the whole process including design.
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