How do we deliver social value through t...

How do we deliver social value through the housing sector?


Social Value Live will be hosting a webinar on Wednesday 15th May 2024 (2:00pm - 3:00pm)



Webinar info:

The pivotal role the housing industry plays in shaping the well-being and resilience of people and communities. It is therefore important that those designing, developing and delivering new homes is considering the wider impact they can have through the projects.


In this session, we delve into strategies, innovations, and best practices aimed at maximising the delivery of social value through housing projects.


Key points for discussion include:

  • Community-centric housing: Uncover approaches to design and develop housing projects that go beyond mere structures, placing a strong emphasis on community wellbeing, inclusivity, and fostering a sense of belonging.
  • Affordable housing solutions: Explore innovative models and strategies for delivering affordable housing without compromising on quality, ensuring that diverse socio-economic groups have access to secure and comfortable living environments.
  • Social impact metrics: Understand how to measure the social value created by housing initiatives, incorporating metrics that assess economic empowerment, improved living conditions, and enhanced community connections.
  • Collaborative stakeholder engagement: Explore the importance of engaging stakeholders, including local communities, governmental bodies, and private enterprises, to ensure that housing projects are aligned with the needs and aspirations of the people they serve.
  • Ethical considerations in housing delivery: Discuss the ethical considerations associated with housing development, emphasising fair housing practices, equitable access, and culturally sensitive approaches that prioritise the wellbeing of diverse communities.

On-demand webinar replay:
