Liked Forum Posts

55 y ago
55 y ago
55 y ago
55 y ago
55 y ago
55 y ago
55 y ago
re: Russia launches invasion of Ukraine

Posted by: @jane Russian forces have entered Ukraine from three different directions. Oh dear. (please log in to see content) Yes, scary. I didn't think Putin was going to go through with it but h...

In forum Break room

3 y ago
Russia launches invasion of Ukraine

Russian forces have entered Ukraine from three different directions. Oh dear.

In forum Break room

3 y ago
re: Task saturation

A link that I've found which discusses Task Saturation Four, use checklists. A checklist contains memory prompts of the things you are supposed to do (or not do) when you are faced with a situation...

In forum Psychology and mental health

3 y ago
55 y ago
55 y ago
55 y ago
55 y ago
re: Site changes

Added forum Court cases in the Private Forums.

In forum Site announcements, feedback and help

3 y ago
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