Liked Forum Posts

re: Retrofit for purpose: Policy, procurement and practice

It was interesting to see a ‘RIBA Stage -1’, a proposal made by Greg Shannon which aims to encourage clients to consider alternative options before commissioning construction. There was also talk of...

In forum Management

1 y ago
re: Retrofit for purpose: Policy, procurement and practice

Thanks @archizen for the link, there is such a push to get to net zero by 2050 and the built environment is having to do what it can with new build and retrofit. If you have an existing building you ...

In forum Management

1 y ago
55 y ago
55 y ago
re: RIBAJ Webinar - Fall Protection Design: Reducing the risk

@archiZen Is there a replay to the above webinar?

In forum Health and Safety

1 y ago
55 y ago
55 y ago
55 y ago
55 y ago
55 y ago
55 y ago
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55 y ago
55 y ago
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