Smart mobility: how will we move around ...

Smart mobility: how will we move around the capital?

CPD Events

This webinar, part of the Active Travel Summit focussed on what mobility in London will look like in the medium to long term future. Will e-bikes, e-scooters and other personal mobility devices thrive?

Programme and timings:

13.30 - Welcome from the Chair
Lucette Demets, Head of Urban, London & Partner (Chair)

13.35 - Shared and micro mobility: an overview
Richard Dilks, Chief Executive, CoMoUK

13.45 - Panel discussion
Matthew Clark, Associate, Steer
Francesca Lavey, Programme Director, Mobility, Plexal
Greg Lindsay, Director of Strategy, CoMotion
Emma Silver, Head of Public Policy & Government Relations for Northern Europe & Asia Pacific, Bird

14.05 - Comments from the ‘floor’
Thomas Darcy, City Growth Director – London, People & Places Solutions, EMEA, Jacobs

14.15 - Q&A


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