RIBA Practice Clinic - Climate change an...

RIBA Practice Clinic - Climate change and the environmental impacts of running a practice

CPD Events

This Q&A session with guest panellists explores the wider considerations for practice owners and practice leaders in running an environmentally-aware practice, and discusses actions that can be taken towards meeting the RIBA 2030 Climate Challenge.

This is one of a series of online RIBA Practice Clinics focussing on different topics. This is a recorded session from 10 September 2020.


Patrick Osborne, Sustainability Lead, RH Partnership Architects / RIBA Sustainable Futures Group Member
Mark Siddall - Director of Research, LEAP: Lovingly Engineered Architectural Practice
Adam Vaughan - Director, JDDK Architects
Sabine Hogenhout - Associate Sustainability Advisor, KLH Sustainability

Find out more about the RIBA 2030 Climate Challenge:

Find out more about our People, Place, Planet programme:


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