Reviving neighborhoods: Designing and de...

Reviving neighborhoods: Designing and delivering spaces that contribute to the community


Social Value Live will be hosting a webinar on Wednesday 15th May 2024 (11:00am - 12:00pm)



Webinar info:

In an era where community wellbeing is paramount, this webinar explores the essential elements of creating spaces that not only serve their primary functions but actively contribute to the prosperity and vitality of the communities they inhabit.


The session will delve into how re-engaging high streets, the creation of communal greenspaces and the optimisation of publicly accessible buildings can improve the lives of who those who use them.


Key highlights:

  • Community-centric design: Learn about the principles of community-centric design that go beyond aesthetics, focusing on functionality and inclusivity to ensure that public spaces cater to the diverse needs and aspirations of the people they serve.
  • Engaging stakeholders: Understand the importance of engaging community members, local businesses, and other stakeholders in the design and development process. Explore successful strategies for fostering collaboration and ensuring the genuine representation of community voices.
  • Sustainable urban planning: Delve into sustainable urban planning practices that prioritise environmental stewardship, resource efficiency, and the creation of resilient and livable spaces. Discover how thoughtful planning can positively impact both the environment and the well-being of residents.
  • Innovative public spaces: Explore case studies of innovative public spaces around the world that have successfully revitalised communities. From urban parks and recreational areas to mixed-use developments, uncover the strategies behind their success.
  • Economic empowerment: Examine how community-focused developments can stimulate economic growth and empower local businesses. Discover ways in which strategic planning and design can contribute to job creation, entrepreneurship, and overall economic upliftment.
  • Social impact metrics: Learn about measuring the social impact of community revitalisation projects. Understand the importance of establishing key performance indicators to assess the success of initiatives and ensure sustained positive outcomes.

On-demand webinar replay:
