Pioneering Progress: Building Solutions ...

Pioneering Progress: Building Solutions That Don't Wait on Standards


Wienerberger will be hosting a webinar on Wednesday 24th January 2024 (1:00pm - 1:45pm)



Webinar info:

Why wait for new legislation when you can act now? 


Facing delays in the Future Homes Standard, the industry is at a crossroads: wait for official benchmarks to be set or proactively exceed them. At Wienerberger, we want to support you in achieving the latter. 


We're excited to invite you to join our upcoming webinar, “Pioneering Progress: Building Solutions That Don’t Wait on Standards”. 


In our session, we'll focus on adapting design practices to tackle climate change and legislative demands. We'll introduce products aimed at minimising environmental impact, boosting energy efficiency, and promoting biodiversity.
