People, Place, Planet: Alison Brooks lec...

People, Place, Planet: Alison Brooks lecture

CPD Events

Material, form, poetry, allegory

We are delighted to have Alison Brooks as the speaker for the third event in our People, Place, Planet series for 2021. This is a recording of an event that took place on 9 March 2021.

Our People, Place, Planet programme showcases the diverse people behind great placemaking, progressive climate action and innovation, continuing with this lecture with Alison Brooks.

Alison, Principal and Creative Director of Alison Brooks Architects, is one of the leading architects of her generation. She has developed an international reputation for a multi-award winning body of work since founding the practice in 1996. Born in Ontario, Canada in 1962, she moved to London in 1988 after graduating with a BES and BArch from the University of Waterloo.

Many of the best projects are born from their own constraints. The climate challenge and our national health are current key issues to address when considering Regulations and Standards, clients, communities and budgets.

In this lecture, Alison discusses some of her recent award winning works, Maggie's Centre in Taunton, and she explains how these projects have emerged from contemporary constraints. She demonstrates how, as a designer, this refreshes and invigorates her work as well as becoming the story behind her designs.


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