Passivhaus and the RIBA 2030 Climate Cha...

Passivhaus and the RIBA 2030 Climate Challenge

CPD Events

Join Mark Siddall from LEAP as he walks you through, and seeks feedback on, the Passivhaus Overlay for the RIBA Plan of Work. Daniel Dyer from MawsonKerr Architects leads you through a case study as to how they designed Oaktree House; a Passivhaus which total embodied carbon is lower than the RIBA 2030 Climate Challenge target.

This is a recording of an online event held on 13 October 2021.

Daniel Dyer, MawsonKerr Architects
Mark Siddall, LEAP
Sarah Lewis, architect and Passivhaus consultant

The RIBA 2030 Climate Challenge sets out a series of targets for practices to adopt to reduce operational energy, embodied carbon and potable water. If all RIBA Chartered Practices meet these targets, they will play their part in addressing the climate emergency. The 2030 Climate Challenge is currently open to all RIBA Chartered Practices. Signatories who join the challenge commit to attempting to meet the targets on all their new and major refurbishment projects.

Learn more and sign up to the 2030 Climate Challenge here:


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