In 2019, the UK Government passed a law requiring all greenhouse gas emissions to be brought to Net Zero by 2050, effectively halting any further contribution to global warming. The ongoing decarbonisation of the Grid has already significantly reduced emissions, but there remains a long way to go. Even if the UK’s energy supply were to be met entirely from renewables, construction activity alone would remain a significant source of emissions if business as usual continues. It is therefore imperative that we understand what Net Zero means and jointly develop solutions.
So how is Net Zero defined, is there a shared consensus? Are all our direct as well as indirect emissions accounted for? To achieve Net Zero at the national level, does every sector, business and activity need to be emission neutral on their own, and is that feasible? What does it mean for architecture and construction, and how can it be achieved? Who should be held accountable for emissions produced in construction and operation – the manufacturer, the designer and specifier, the occupier and user? Is timber the undisputed solution to a Net Zero future? What is the role of offsetting and can it be relied on?
Join our lunchtime debate to hear leading practitioners and researchers discuss these questions and the role of architects and engineers in moving towards a Net Zero future. All panellists are active members of LETI and co-authors of LETI guidance on whole life carbon and embodied carbon. There will be 20 minutes of presentations by all speakers followed by a panel discussion.
Jane Anderson, Founder, ConstructionLCA
Will Arnold, Head of Climate Action, IStructE
Louisa Bowles, Partner, Hawkins\Brown
Jess Hrivnak, Sustainable Development Adviser, RIBA
Dr Joe Jack Williams, Associate, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
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