Materials matter: How are advancements i...

Materials matter: How are advancements in low-carbon construction products driving the net zero agenda?


Net Zero Live will be hosting a webinar on Thursday 9th May 2024 (2:00pm - 3:00pm)



Webinar info:

In a time where sustainable practices are at the forefront of global development, this webinar will explore the latest innovations, technologies, and materials that are reshaping the landscape of construction.


This session will unpack how the latest innovations in materials production and manufacture is impacting the built environment’s pursuit of net zero. It will also explore the interplay between innovation in the pursuit of sustainability with regulatory reform and technological innovation.


Key highlights:

  • Cutting-edge materials: Discover the most recent breakthroughs in low-carbon construction materials, including eco-friendly concrete alternatives, sustainable insulation, and revolutionary composites designed to reduce environmental impact.
  • Environmental impact assessment: Gain valuable insights into the life cycle analysis of these materials, examining their carbon footprint and assessing how they contribute to overall sustainability goals in the construction industry.
  • Technological integration: Explore how technology is playing a pivotal role in advancing low-carbon construction materials, from smart sensors for monitoring building performance to innovative manufacturing processes that minimise resource usage.
  • Regulatory landscape: Stay informed about the latest regulations and standards driving the adoption of low-carbon construction materials globally. Understand how these regulations are shaping the industry and influencing construction practices.
  • Future outlook: Get a glimpse into the future of construction with insights from industry experts on upcoming trends, research initiatives, and potential breakthroughs that could further revolutionise low-carbon construction.

On-demand webinar replay:
