Lunch and learn: overview of biodiversit...

Lunch and learn: overview of biodiversity net gain


Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) will be hosting a webinar on Tuesday 10th September 2024 (1:00pm - 2:00pm)



Webinar info:

This webinar is centred around the recent statutory requirement in England that mandates most developments to achieve a minimum of 10% biodiversity net gain. This is a significant shift, and is seen as a positive step for nature, clients, and the industry. WSP, as biodiversity consultants, have been at the forefront of BNG’s implementation in the UK.

The event aims to delve into the concept of biodiversity net gain, equipping attendees with an understanding of the process and valuable insights for successful implementation. It will offer a comprehensive overview of BNG, its measurement, and its relevance to various disciplines and organisations.
