Lessons in Carbon - Case Study and Toolk...

Lessons in Carbon - Case Study and Toolkit

CPD Events

AHMM share the results of their Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) research collaboration with the UCL’s Institute of Environmental Design and Engineering (IEDE) examining net-zero carbon building in the context of a complex, mixed use, densely developed and commercially driven project.

Focusing on a real life case study, Canada Water Zone F, the session will examine how the design team are responding to the net-zero aspirations of the Client, British Land, in relation to a brief for a complex, mixed use, densely developed and commercially driven project, and reflect on key lessons learned for the design and development process.

We will explore the implications of delivering net zero for the development process, commercial viability, and for architecture more generally, and demonstrate how lessons learnt from this case study along with other independent research have been incorporated into a design guide for delivering net-zero carbon buildings.


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