How to achieve material savings in concr...

How to achieve material savings in concrete structures


The Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE) will be hosting a webinar on Tuesday 20th February 2024 (9:00am - 10:00am)



Webinar Info:

Join us in this technical webinar on plastic analysis of concrete using FEM-Design. This module elevates concrete design by accounting for force redistribution due to cracks, plasticity in concrete and reinforcement, concrete crushing, tension stiffening, and plastic hardening. Realistic material behaviour increases load capacity significantly compared to a linear elastic model, allowing for more effective use of reinforced concrete.

Through parametric design, it will be further optimised by adjusting concrete thickness and quality, as well as reinforcement size and quality, to minimize CO2 emissions.


  • Theory background
  • Plastic design in ULS
  • Design in SLS
  • Applying parametric design for multi-variable optimization using Grasshopper
  • CO2 calculation and reporting
This topic was edited 7 mo ago by alex