Deep Decarbonization of Data Centers by ...

Deep Decarbonization of Data Centers by Professor Xiaoshu Lu


The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) will be hosting a webinar on Wednesday 14th February 2024 (2:00pm - 3:00pm)



Webinar Info:

As the demand for data continues to surge, data center usage intensifies, contributing to elevated global CO2 emissions. Addressing this challenge is crucial for mitigating climate change.

This presentation introduces a groundbreaking method for profound decarbonization of data centers by leveraging liquid cooling technology to raise waste heat temperature for building space heating and introduces the concept of 'data furnaces,' where data centers directly supply waste heat to heat buildings on-site, offering a unique solution to reduce district heating consumption and lower CO2 emissions. Unlike traditional methods using heat pumps, our approach designs an efficient heat recovery system for liquid cooling, eliminating the need for a heat pump. Through a real data center case study and a thorough assessment through a 25-year life cycle analysis (LCC), our approach showcases significant reductions in district heating consumption and CO2 emissions. The proposed heat exchanger designs represent pioneering solutions, particularly beneficial in challenging climates, offering substantial advantages for both liquid-cooled and air-cooled facilities. These findings mark significant strides towards achieving carbon neutrality in data center operations.
