COP27 lessons learned What did it tell u...

COP27 lessons learned What did it tell us about decarbonising our existing estates

CPD Events

First aired: 22 November 2022

With COP27 taking place in November, the construction and engineering sectors will be looking to Egypt to find out what the latest thinking will be on issues such as decarbonisation, progress on net zero targets and the role finance can play in supporting industry to achieve its sustainability goals.

This session will look at the key outputs of the conference and specifically what it means for the retrofit market and the decarbonisation the existing built environment.

Speakers include:
- Thomas Worthington, Principal sustainability and carbon consultant, Atkins
- Annabel Clark, Regional director, sustainability lead, Faithful+Gould
- Lawry Cook, Net zero carbon lead, DWP Estates
- Alasdair Grainger, Net zero director, Grant Thornton

Chaired by: Jordan Marshall, Special projects editor, Assemble Media Group


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