Carbon net zero: When and how? with Prof...

Carbon net zero: When and how? with Prof. Zhang Li

CPD Events

Join Prof. Zhang Li in conversation with Ishtiaque Zahir Titas, and Professor Yang Xudong as they discuss global carbon emissions in building science.

Professor Zhang Li - Dean of Architecture and Vice-Principal, THADI, Tsinghua University
Ishtiaque Zahir Titas - UIA Vice President (Region IV) and Co-director of UIA SDG Commission
Professor Yang Xudong - Department of Building Science and Technology, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

RIBA International is pleased to have Professor Zhang Li as the first guest Chief Editor for the RIBA World Architecture app. Zhang Li's appointment will play a vital role in curating contributions and co-driving editorial for the app.

More information about the app can be found here:


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