2021 Global Architecture Exchanges: The ...

2021 Global Architecture Exchanges: The future of cities (Two-Part Webinar)

CPD Events

This is Session 1 of 2 for Topic 2 in the 2021 Global Architecture Exchanges series: The Future of cities – Revitalising/reimagining cities post-Covid.

Topic 2, Session 1 was held on 27 July 2021. This session includes speakers from the USA, Brazil, Ireland, the Netherlands and the UK.

Have cities become obsolete? Is there a need to rethink our cities and manage future pandemics? How do we design cities that are more multi-functional; providing good quality of life for residents (better places to live and work); are inclusive to all groups in society; and built for the future instead of for the upcoming decade? How has the pandemic affected the way we experience, think and design public spaces? How can we move biodiversity into designing cities that are more inclusive with nature? Our speakers explore these questions and more.

046 COVID-19 Response Placemaking - Mobility - Liveability
The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland
Bob Hannan - Senior Architect, Architects' Department of Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council

053 Connections between city and nature: looking to the past in search of the past
Council of Architecture and Urbanism in Brazil
Counselor Ana Claudia Durate Cardoso - Member of CAU-BR Committee on Urban and Environmental Politics

058 The future of travel between and around cities
Royal Institute of British Architects
Chris Williamson - Partner, WestonWilliamson+Partners

024 Addressing the Covid crisis in New York City and New York State
American Institute of Architects
Illya Azaroff - Associate Professor, New York City of Technology (CUNY) and Founder, +LAB architect PLLC

028 Microcities: self-sufficient neighbourhoods of the metropolis, The Breathing City
Royal Institute of Dutch Architects
Ton Venhoeven - Principal Architect and Urban Planner VenhoevenCS


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CPD Events

This is Session 2 of 2 for Topic 2 in the 2021 Global Architecture Exchanges series: The Future of cities – Revitalising/reimagining cities post-Covid.

Topic 2, Session 2 was held on 28 July 2021. This session includes speakers from China, Rep. Korea, New Zealand, Ireland, the Netherlands and the UK.

Have cities become obsolete? Is there a need to rethink our cities and manage future pandemics? How do we design cities that are more multi-functional; providing good quality of life for residents (better places to live and work); are inclusive to all groups in society; and built for the future instead of for the upcoming decade? How has the pandemic affected the way we experience, think and design public spaces? How can we move biodiversity into designing cities that are more inclusive with nature? Our speakers explore these questions and more.

004 Beyond the third space; would autonomous mobile space provide the fourth place in a post-COVID era?
Korean Institute of Architects
Dongwoo Yim - Co-founder of PRAUD and Assistant Professor, Hongik University (Seoul)

037 The future of travel between and around cities
Royal Institute of British Architects
Chris Williamson - Partner, WestonWilliamson+Partners

054 The resilience of our cities is the resilience of our people, Eastern Porirua Regeneration
New Zealand Institute of Architects
Dr Natalie Allen - Director and Urban Strategist, The Urban Advisory

059 Microcities: self-sufficient neighbourhoods of the metropolis, The Breathing City
Royal Institute of Dutch Architects
Ton Venhoeven - Principal Architect and Urban Planner VenhoevenCS

016 COVID-19 Response Placemaking - Mobility - Liveability
The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland
Bob Hannan - Senior Architect, Architects' Department of Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council

030 An exploration of ecological and healthy design in Wuhan
The Architectural Society of China
Arch. Xiao Wei - Vice President, CITIC General Institute of Architectural Design & Research, Co. Ltd.


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