As we move out of restrictions and look to building future resilience as the critical phase of the pandemic hopefully recedes, London’s offices will need to provide an exemplar of design, management and operation to continue to support the capital in its recovery as a leading global business centre. Flexibility and sustainability in every aspect — not just space and layout but also leasing, management and location — will be key attributes of the resilient office, as will a focus on accessibility, inclusivity, affordability and, not least, health and wellbeing.
The format, Pecha Kucha (ペチャクチャ), was devised in Tokyo in 2003 by the English architect Mark Dytham and has turned into a massive global celebration of design, with events happening in hundreds of cities around the world. Drawing its name from the Japanese term for the sound of "chit chat", it rests on a presentation format that is based on a simple idea: 20 images x 20 seconds. The format makes presentations concise, keeps things moving at a rapid pace and holds its audience.
Following the launch of NLA’s latest report WRK/LDN: Office Revolution?, hear from London’s most creative architects, developers and planners about their ideas for the post-pandemic workplace.
00:00 Welcome from Chair
Barbara Chesi, Programme Director, NLA
01:34 London net-work
Toni Riddiford, Senior Associate Architect, Head of Office and Workplace, Stride Treglown
09:00 The Green Mile
Abigail Glancy, Student, London School of Architecture
16:00 An arena of connections
Mijail Gutierrez, Principal, Corporate Interiors, London, Perkins&Will
23:13 FutureWork
Benjamin Koslowski, Research Lead, Fletcher Priest Architects
30:51 Dashwood
Paneet Hoonjan, Marketing Manager, Landsec
Tom Lambregts, Marketing Manager, Landsec
38:03 HexaPods
Michaela Winter-Taylor, Senior Associate, Cities & Urban Design, Gensler
44:57 Q&A
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