Attribute workshop: management and leade...

Attribute workshop: management and leadership


Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) will be hosting a webinar on Thursday 12th December 2024 (12:30pm - 1:30pm)



Webinar info:

The Thames Valley Early Careers Network is delighted to bring you the next in a series of informal Attribute Workshop sessions. This time, we are focusing on the Management and Leadership Attribute. 


This workshop will allow you to get additional support from ICE Membership Development Officers who can help you understand how you can bring management and leadership into your evidence. They can also assist in demonstrating your knowledge and experience around the goals, whether you are aiming for Incorporated or Chartered Membership.


The session will support everyone working towards Membership, whether you are a student just starting out, or an experienced graduate close to sitting your Professional Review.

This topic was edited 3 mo ago by alex