Another eventful year has passed, and without doubt the covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on life in the capital. It disrupted travel and work patterns, affected quite heavily sectors such as retail and hospitality or the cultural offer, pushed us to think differently about the value of healthcare and wellbeing and the need for public spaces in the city and affected the housing market and people’s choice of where to live.
But the recovery is also undoubtedly under way. Which path will it take in 2022? And how will other major events such as Brexit and COP26 affect the way London recovers from the crisis?
State of the Market is the NLA annual industry-critical briefing, providing key insights and bringing together key speakers looking at the year ahead.
00:00 Welcome from Chair
Peter Murray OBE, Curator-in-Chief, New London Architecture
02:45 Tony Travers, Director, LSE
14:40 Alexandra Notay,Placemaking and Investment Director. PfP Capital
25:30 Allen Simpson, CEO, London & Partners
35:50 Nicola Herring,UK Insights and Research Lead, Gleeds
47:00 Discussion / Q&A
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