The NPPF makes clear that all local planning authorities should prepare design guides or codes consistent with the principles set out in the National Design Guide and National Model Design Code, and which reflect local character and design preferences.
What will the National Model Design Codes mean for the changing faces of our cities, towns and local areas? London prides itself in being both architecturally and culturally diverse, good design can’t be ‘one size fits all’. Could the adoption of these Design Codes result in a homogenous urban landscape – and what would those challenges be? What have been the results so far of the first tried examples?
During this NLA Breakfast Talk on Zoom we hear from councils, architects and planners who are currently working both as a part of the National Model Design Codes pilot scheme and who are conducting preparatory work for the National Model Design Codes with individual councils.
00:00 Welcome from Chair
Peter Murray OBE, Curator-in-Chief, NLA
01:45 National Planning Policy
Sarah Allan, Head of Architecture, Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities (DLUHC)
23:00 Concept of design codes
Jane Manning, Director, Allies and Morrison
36:00 Local policies Southwark
Matias Piazza, Senior Urban Designer, Farrells
Tara Gbolade, Co-Founder & Director, Gbolade Design Studio
50:00 Panel discussion
Speakers above, plus:
Colin Wilson, Head of Regeneration for the Old Kent Road for the London Borough of Southwark
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