North Wales Transport Commission: from r...

North Wales Transport Commission: from report to delivery


Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) will be hosting a webinar on Wednesday 29th May 2024 (12:30pm - 1:45pm)



Webinar info:

This is the third joint event in the CILT/CIHT/ICE Wales Tri-Institute series of collaboratively organised webinars.

These are aimed at members in Wales and further afield in upskilling and building awareness and practical application of skills facing the professional disciplines today. 

This webinar is of particular interest given the cross border connectivity of North Wales between the Republic of Ireland and the North West/West Midlands regions concerning the movement of goods and people.

This event will cover the work of the North Wales Transport Commission and its report which was published in December 2023. This is a seminal report for North Wales and was the 2nd transport commission in Wales following the South East Wales Transport Commission led by Lord Burns who also chaired this commission context.
