Daylight Talks

CPD Events

‘Best use of natural light in architecture’ is a common denominator for the `Daylight Talks´ that VELUX will host by presenting three talks and a discussion between Anne Lacaton, Jakob Strømann-Andersen and Kevin Van den Wymelenberg. Lacaton will talk about how to radically transform daylight conditions in social housing blocks and improve the quality of life of building occupants. Strømann-Andersen about dynamic spaces as game changers and how dynamic daylight supports it while Van Den Wymelenberg will talk about daylight and the indoor microbiome and how we need to consider our health and wellbeing in buildings.

Kevin van den Wymelenberg
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture
University of Oregon

Anne Lacaton
Co-Founder Lacaton & Vassal

Jakob Strømann-Andersen
Partner | Head of Sustainability Engineering Department
Henning Larsen


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