Watch the replay of our latest webinar, part of our new perspective series featuring educational buildings.
The widespread move to home learning has highlighted the benefits, limitations – and potential – of education buildings.
Dianna Fletcher, Studio Director at ADP Architecture outlines different approaches to school design, presents the practice’s on-going research into Wellbeing in Education and offers practical advice for designing schools.
Hugh Gatenby, founder of ArcED, discusses the implications of emerging technology in education and construction on the future of classroom design.
Jonathan Hines, Managing Director of Architype, discusses approaches to designing schools to passivhaus standards and looks at the impact of COVID-19 – including the widespread adoption of digital learning and focus on open air and ventilation – is likely to impact on school design.
We explore the key issues:
Designing for flexibility and resilience
Reducing energy consumption and protecting the environment
Promoting health and well-being in the community as a whole
New and emerging construction technologies
Collaborative augmented reality and the implications for classroom design EdTech and the classroom –the best of both worlds?
The future of school design and keeping children engaged, healthy and safe.
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