AT Webinar: Specifying structural glass ...

AT Webinar: Specifying structural glass – key considerations to avoid risk


Architecture Today (AT) will be hosting a webinar on Tuesday 25th June 2024 (3:00pm - 4:00pm) & Thursday 27th June 2024 (8:00am - 9:00am)



Webinar info:

In recent years, the market has seen a disturbing rise in counterfeit products reaching the market that falsely claim to match the properties and performance capabilities of structural safety glass.

Architecture Today, in partnership with Kuraray, investigate the potential catastrophic risks associated with incorrect specification of structural glass and have assembled an expert  panel to address this issue facing the market. Featuring leading technical specialists from across the sector, the panel will share their knowledge and provide insight and understanding of the risks associated with the rise in counterfeit products.

The discussion, which takes place in conjunction with the 25-year anniversary of SentryGlas®, will explore the compelling physical evidence, test results, incompatibility issues, and the risks associated with inferior performance.

Key Topics to be Discussed:

  • Risks of counterfeits: Review internal test results on counterfeit SentryGlas® materials and discuss the potential implications these inferior products could have on projects.
  • Counterfeit risks in construction: Hear about previous experiences with other counterfeit construction products and the risks they posed.
  • Industry awareness: Understand the importance of raising awareness about counterfeit SentryGlas and the ongoing innovation that genuine SentryGlas® brings to the industry.
  • Project highlights: Learn how SentryGlas® has been used in various projects to achieve unique design objectives, focusing on its structural performance and benefits.
  • Durability and confidence: Gain insights into the durability and weathering properties of SentryGlas®, and why industry professionals have confidence in its use.
  • Support and expertise from Kuraray: Learn about the critical role of Kuraray’s support, technical data, and design expertise in ensuring the success of projects using SentryGlas®.

Webinar replay:
