Active Travel Summit 2021

CPD Events

The pandemic has seen our streets changed more drastically than ever before, with an acceleration of pedestrian and cycling initiatives and a key focus on active travel. What is the legacy of the temporary streets improvements we’ve seen implemented in the past year? What has been the impact of the Mayor’s Streetscape programme one year on? And, with the 15-minute city model gaining momentum, how has it been interpreted in transport strategies across the capital?

00:00 Welcome from Chair
Peter Murray, OBE, Curator in Chief, New London Architecture

08:26 Cycling and walking for post-pandemic travel
William Bradley, Principal Policy Officer, GLA

29:02 Streets as public spaces: City of London case study
Bruce McVean, Acting Assistant Director, City of London Corporation

41:00 Low traffic neighbourhoods –
Rachel Aldred, Professor of Transport and Director, University of Westminster Active Travel Academy

55:31 Delivering the infrastructure: opportunities and challenges
Nina Patel, Lead sponsor, Transport for London

0100 Panel discussion
Speakers above, plus:
Peter Heath, Design Director, Public Realm, Atkins
Rachel O’Donnell, European Director of Strategy & Growth, Environment. AECOM
Stephen Edwards, Interim Chief Executive, Living Streets


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