The new face of Regent Street

CPD Events

This NLA Breakfast Talk presents the plans to refresh Regent Street that are currently underway to improve this key historic street of the West End.

In October, The Crown Estate and Westminster City Council unveiled new plans for Regent Street, helping to deliver their shared vision for a greener, cleaner, safer and more accessible West End.

Set to complete before Christmas, the plans will create approximately 5,000 square meters of additional space for pedestrians, reduce road space to a single vehicle lane in each direction, improve provisions for cyclists, and install new greenery and seating.

The new designs, which replace the temporary measures put in place following the outbreak of Covid-19, will be in place for an initial 18 month period – supporting the safe and sustainable re-opening of the West End and contributing to the continuing evolution of one of London’s most iconic and best loved destinations.


08:30 Welcome from Chair
Peter Murray, Curator-in-Chief, NLA

08:35 Partnership & Delivery
Scott Marshall, Head of Public Realm & Urban Infrastructure, The Crown Estate

08:45 Public Realm Design
Nick Edwards, Chair of Landscape Architecture, BDP

08:55 WCC Place Strategy
Sarah Rye, Head of Public Realm, City of Westminster

09:05 Panel discussion and Q&A
Speakers above, plus:
Jace Tyrrell, Chief Executive, New West End Company
Henriette Vamberg, Partner & Managing Director CPH, Gehl Architects

09:30 End


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