Singapore Archifest 2021: Citybound - A ...

Singapore Archifest 2021: Citybound - A global conversation on architecture and the city

CPD Events

This event is presented as part of Singapore Archifest 2021 and supported by RIBA International and the RIBA Singapore Chapter.

Join us for a global inter-chapter conversation with speakers from different parts of the world, offering their take on the topic with bold prediction and assertion for the future. This is a recording of an online event that took place om 29 October 2021.

Nana Biamah-Ofusu - Studio NYALI, Kingston University London, AA School of Architecture
Sumaya Dabbagh - Dabbagh Architects, Dubai
Sarah Lee - Sky Yutaka/RIBA HK Chapter
Dennis Ho - East Asia Regional Design Lead, ARUP/RIBA HK Chapter
Huat Lim - Director, zlgdesign, Malaysia
Maria Warner Wong - WOW Architecture, Singapore
Mark Raymond - Director, Graduate School of Architecture, University of Johannesburg

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