RIBA Gulf Live Lunch Talk: The Case of G...

RIBA Gulf Live Lunch Talk: The Case of Gravity Defiant Architecture summary story

CPD Events

On 13 January 2021, the Royal Institute of British Architects' Gulf Chapter launched its inaugural session of the 2021 RIBA Gulf Live Lunch Talks with Dr Georges Kachaamy livestreamed from Dubai, UAE.

Dr. Kachaamy's work, 'The Case of Gravity Defiant Architecture' looks at futuristic architecture that utilises available advanced technologies to completely liberate itself from the ground and float in the air.

The RIBA Gulf Live Lunch Talks are designed to share and expand knowledge on projects from across the Gulf and promote interactive conversation with leading architects over your lunch break. This digital event aims to highlight voices from across the Gulf to delve deeper into their projects and aims to highlight various views from across the Gulf while hosting a live open Q&A session with the audience.

To learn more about upcoming Live Lunch Talks and other events, visit us at:


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