Modular construction briefing: reporting...

Modular construction briefing: reporting from the factory

CPD Events

This webinar hears first-hand from modular factories, local authorities and architects surrounding the challenges and opportunities facing modular construction adoption in London.

Modern methods of construction are not a new phenomenon to building, however, there is still hesitancy in the uptake of these techniques within the sector. Built environment specialists are calling to elevate modern methods of construction higher up on the agenda to combat growing issues London is facing.

Sustainability and efficient delivery of housing are key concerns for London – factory-made construction could be a viable solution to both. However, what are the barriers facing MMC adoption in London? What strategies are Local Authorities implementing in order to widen the adoption of MMC? How are modular factories, tackling issues concerning sustainability, technical design, supply chain, costs, and feasibility?

00:00 Welcome from Chair
Peter Murray OBE, Curator in Chief, New London Architecture

01:30 Supply chain and collective purchases
Pat Hayes, Managing Director, Be First

13:10 101 George Street
Maribel Mantecon, Senior Associate, Senior Archtect, HTA

24:00 Panel discussion
Speakers above, plus:
Lukas Thiel, White Arkitekter
Bryony Staples, Senior Associate Architect, Stride Treglown


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