What are the long-term opportunities to be gained from the temporary closure of streets?
What are the long-term opportunities to be gained from the temporary closure of streets in order to extend the spaces for cycling and walking in London? What will streets look like after the pandemic, what can we do to make the most of this crisis to build back batter? This Pecha Kucha will hear from built environment leaders about ideas for making active travel the new normal.
What kind of city do we want to create? How do we get there? What have we learnt from this period of disruption, and what do we want to bring into the future? What do we restore and what do we change? This series will cover a number of issues vital for future city-shaping as we tap into the expertise of our forward-thinking network and beyond, to discuss exciting new ideas for the capital.
#BuildBackBetter is a new initiative by NLA to respond to the current crisis. The series will look into the future, beyond the restrictions of our present situation. We invite innovative thinkers to present thought-provoking ideas and solutions for a resilient post-pandemic London.
Programme and timings:
16.30 Welcome from Chair
Benjamin O'Connor, Director, New London Architecture
16.35 Kuros Sarshar, Project Director, John Robertson Architects
16.45 Benjamin Knowles, Rider, PedalMe
16.55 Mike Saunders, Commonplace
17.05 Alice Galvin, Landscape Architect, BDP
17.15 Evelyn Wong, Senior Urban Designer, Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design
17.20 Gareth Atkinson, Director, Civic Engineers
17.25 Q&A
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