Delivering Affordable Housing

CPD Events

The delivery of affordable housing across London continues to be a top priority and the need is critical post-pandemic, with more than half the new Affordable Homes Programme dedicated to fund social rented homes. With so much of our time spent in home environments the impact of COVID-19 has highlighted more than ever our need for safe, secure, good quality homes with enough space to live comfortably.

This webinar focuses on the affordable homes being built that show best practice, demonstrating good design and providing safe, sustainable homes Londoners can be proud of.

Peter Murray, NLA: Introduction
Prisca Thielmann, Maccreanor Lavington: Delivering Affordable
Neil Baron, Swan Housing Group: Update on Blackwall Reach
Pat Hayes, BeFirst: Update from Barking and Dagenham
Panel Discussion, speakers above, plus: Jo McCafferty, Levitt Bernstein


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