Build Back Better, rethinking the high s...

Build Back Better, rethinking the high street

CPD Events

Now is time to rethink the high streets: What will hotels and shops look like after the pandemic? Is this an opportunity for a new localism? Could meanwhile uses positively transform our high streets? Will new mixed-use spaces end with the use class system?

This Pecha Kucha hears from built environment leaders about ideas for rebooting retail and hospitality environments and reshape the future of our high streets.

Build Back Better is a new initiative by NLA to respond to the current crisis. The series looks into the future, beyond the restrictions of our present situation. We invite innovative thinkers to present thought-provoking ideas and solutions for a resilient post-pandemic London.

Programme and timings:
10.00 Welcome Peter Murray, Curator in Chief, NLA

10.05 Revelation of Redchurch Street
Michael Cowdy, Director and Urbanism leader, McGregor Coxall

10.15 Supporting a new hyper-localism through radical densification of high streets
Georgina Day, Economic Development Officer, LB Enfield and Associate, Public Practice

10.25 Hi! Street, Inhabiting the In-between
Mileni Pamfili, Architect, BDP

10.35 House of Catford
Deborah Efemini, Project Manager Regeneration and Place, LB Lewisham

10.45 Future hospitality economics
Ben Martin, Principal, HKS Architects

10.55 Q&A


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