Technical Competency Briefing: Future Ho...

Technical Competency Briefing: Future Homes Standard

CPD Events

The UK government has released an update on the Future Homes Standard following consultation responses received in 2020. Following the responses what you can expect from the new regulations is that all new homes will have carbon dioxide emissions 75-80% lower than those built to current Building Regulations. Despite the full regulation will not be fully introduced until 2025, it includes an interim threshold of 31% reduction of CO2 emissions to be implemented later this year.

In this webinar we will hear from experts presenting the details of what the new regulations are with a focus on Part L and how this differs from previous standards. Presentations will cover energy calculation, building performance, building fabric, heating and cooling and other key technical elements of the document.

Presentations will be followed by a discussion providing an overview of how the industry should get ready to transition to the new regulations.

Gary Clark, Principal and Regional Leader of Science + Technology, HOK

LETI's take on Part L 2021 and the Future Homes Standard
Clare Murray, Head of Sustainability, Levitt Bernstein

Existing Homes
Julie Godefroy, Technical Manager, Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers

Panel Discussion
Speakers above, plus:
Michela Ravaglia, Associate Architect and Passivhaus Designer, StrideTreglown
Iain McLellen, Associate, PDP London


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