RIBA South Conservation Group: What is p...

RIBA South Conservation Group: What is protected by listing?


RIBA South Conservation Group will be hosting a webinar on Wednesday 15th May 2024 (1:00pm - 2:00pm)



Webinar info:

This is a rare opportunity, where Nigel will cover the complex question of what is protected by listing - fairly obviously the building named in the list (although what constitutes a building for present purposes is not as straightforward as might be thought), but also, in some circumstances objects and structures attached to the building and objects and buildings in the curtilage.


Nigel is a former Legal Director at English Heritage (now Historic England) and (with Charles Mynors) the co-author of the leading textbook on the subject of the law relating to the historic environment: “Listed Buildings and Other Heritage Assets”, recently published in its 6th edition by Sweet & Maxwell.


Nigel will explain by reference to helpful maps of the buildings involved in relevant cases in what circumstances an object or another building can properly be said to be in the curtilage of a listed building. A great deal can turn on the answers to these questions – not just whether proposed development requires listed building consent but even whether for example, a painting or a clock can be removed without LBC. The consequences of getting it wrong can include quite serious criminal penalties!
