Keynote Part Z An industry proposal for ...

Keynote Part Z An industry proposal for embodied carbon regulation in the UK

CPD Events

First aired: 23 November 2022

In this keynote presentation join Will Arnold​, head of climate action at The Institution of Structural Engineers, as he discusses the industry proposal to regulate embodied carbon in the UK.

Will is a fellow and staff member of The Institution of Structural Engineers, leading the institution’s response to the climate emergency and embedding sustainability action into all aspects of its work. He is responsible for driving the update of minimum standards for institution members, producing supporting guidance, and leading collaboration across the wider industry.

Will leads the work of the Part Z initiative, chairs the CIC's 2050 Group, and sits on the Steering Groups for both the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard and the Built Environment Carbon Database. In recognition of his work instigating change in the field of structural sustainability, Will holds the IStructE President’s Award, and the Memcom Outstanding Achievement Award.

Chaired by: Jordan Marshall, Special projects editor, Assemble Media Group


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