Decoding the implications of the new Nat...

Decoding the implications of the new National Planning Policy Framework for the sector


Assemble Media Group will be hosting  a webinar on Wednesday 20th March 2024 (2:00pm - 3:00pm)



Webinar info:

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) serves as the cornerstone for planning decisions across the nation, shaping the future of development and land use.

This webinar aims to unravel the complexities of the new framework, offering a comprehensive understanding of its implications for professionals and stakeholders in various sectors.

Key points include:

  • Comprehensive overview: Our expert panel will provide a thorough overview of the key changes and updates within the new NPPF, offering clarity on how these modifications will shape planning policies.
  • Industry-specific insights: Tailored discussions will explore the direct and indirect effects of the NPPF on specific sectors. Whether you’re involved in real estate, construction, environmental planning, or related fields, our experts will address the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the framework.
  • Strategic planning: Learn how to strategically align your projects with the revised NPPF to maximize benefits and mitigate potential challenges. Our speakers will provide practical advice on navigating planning processes in the current regulatory landscape.
  • Policy interpretation: Gain insights into the nuances of policy interpretation and implementation. Understand how the NPPF may impact local planning authorities, developers, and communities, and how to navigate these changes effectively.

On-demand webinar replay:
