Achieving Part L compliance in housing w...

Achieving Part L compliance in housing with fully electric solutions


Housing Today will be hosting a webinar on Monday 24th June 2024 (11:00am - 12:00pm)



Webinar info:

Undeniably, the industry needs practical guidance on complying with the requirements of Part L. In this session, we will explore how fully electric, low-carbon hot water generation, electric space heating and ventilation systems can help revolutionise residential living while drastically reducing the carbon footprint of homes.


Our expert panel will elucidate the critical role of Part L compliance in driving energy efficiency and environmental sustainability in new home construction. Delve into the seamless integration of electric heating technologies with photovoltaic (PV) panels and unlocking energy efficiency and eco-friendliness.


For developers and industry professionals, we'll dissect essential considerations surrounding compliant electric hot water and space heating systems. From navigating regulatory landscapes to implementing practical solutions, you will glean insights that can help optimise development projects and move net zero efforts forward.


Moreover, we'll delve into the imperative task of reshaping homeowner perceptions towards renewable heating and hot water technologies.

Key topics include:


  • Unveiling the significance of Part L compliance in fostering energy efficiency and sustainability in new residential homes
  • Integrating low-carbon heating technologies with PV panels for heightened eco-friendliness
  • Developer's roadmap for implementing compliant renewable hot water generation and electric heating systems
  • Strategies to increase the understanding and cultivate homeowner enthusiasm for renewable hot water and space heating technologies