ARB Code of Conduct


The Grenfell Inquiry report is finally published, I know this has been going on for a few years now and a lot of changes to the construction process have already been implemented. I haven’t read it but read the press release so I got the basic information and it was an accumulation of mistakes that created the tragedy. They have improved legislation/regulations and are being used now to improve the process and only time will tell how effective it will be.


On the heels of that report the ARB have just released the ‘Consultation on a new Code of Conduct and Practice for Architects’


As an architect you are expected to:

  1. Be honest and act with integrity
  2. Be competent
  3. Promote your services honestly and responsibly
  4. Manage your business competently
  5. Consider the wider impact of your work
  6. Carry out your work faithfully and conscientiously
  7. Be trustworthy and look after your clients’ money properly
  8. Have appropriate insurance arrangements
  9. Maintain the reputation of architects
  10. Deal with disputes or complaints appropriately
  11. Cooperate with regulatory requirements and investigations
  12. Have respect for others


The code seems pretty boilerplate like the RIBA code with just an extra on the ‘wider impact of our work’, more emphasis on sustainability and reducing carbon. The competency that is required is stressed upon but you would assume that you would know these things when you qualify.


The ARB taking over the CPD and making sure that architects are fulfilling the requirements is going to help a lot. The RIBA is losing credibility in my eyes as they really haven’t been doing a good job, not once was my CPD audited to make sure I had kept up with the requirements. 


Maybe the ARB should start selling architects as PD’s since they are making sure that the CPD is done, just a thought.
